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This remediation assignment built off of the previous

repurposing assignment, in which I used the same voice

to create a new medium for my argument. The objective

for this assignment was to present the same argument

as my repurposing assignment, yet change the way in

which I present such information. And so, building off of

the idea of Twitter within my previous project, I decided

to create my own Twitter feed. 


Now you may be wondering, what's so new about that

anyway? Well for me, this was my first experience using

Twitter. Yes, I may be a bit behind the times, but I just

acquired an Instagram last year, so I'm taking things

one step at a time. And so, the new digital space of

Twitter was quite new, and frustrating at times, but it's

a learning experience--right? In writing, we should

challenge ourselves, that's definitely a takeaway from

both this assignment and course in general. 


In order to format my argument into a new medium, I created a persona. I strategically created an individual that was completely obnoxious, fist clenching, and an all around terrible person. Not convinced? Read the bio on the Twitter account, then get back to me. This personality that I was taking on was a trust fund baby, completely emersed in the drinking culture, and only truly in college because his/her parents wouldn't hand over the family business without a college education. But scroll through the Twitter account to learn more. 


The Twitter account is titled @TrustTheTrust, of course, in reference to this person's trust fund. Throughout their Twitter feed, you will find them posting updates about getting drunk, blowing ridiculous amounts of money at the bar, and additional cringe-worthy experiences regarding the drinking culture and college life. Additionally, you'll find this person retweeting and favoriting numerous alcohol-related Twitter accounts, and sharing pictures that will make you question who this person's parents are--and where they went so terribly wrong. 


My goal within this project was to border the line between believable and too far. I aimed to make this character so ridiculous that while some may think the account is true, others claim this has to be a paradoy--but then question it. "This person can't be real...or are they?" That's the goal. Just as my audience was throughout my repurposing assignment, the audience within the Twitter account was again those who opt to realistically live their life this way--and highlight the extremity and overall astonishment of such an ignorant culture. Additionally, I hope that those who acknowledge I am a college student and I study all of the time and work so hard and there's no way people like this actually exist, and if they do, I hate their guts would be attracted to such writing as well--and get a real kick out of it. And again, for the older generations who claim that college students just drink their lives away for four years, this satire is for you too. 


The project allowed me to experiment with satire, while utilizing the digital era and networked culture of society to make an argument. I was able to experiment with new forms of communication, while studying the relms of satire and successfully supporting an argument--well, that is the goal. Such a project allowed me to interact with differing forms of writing, as I spread across different barriers and enforced the use of new conventions and formats. 


Within the world of writing, there are always new forms to be discovered. And that is why this matters. 



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